Our Members

Bays Community Housing Trust’s primary focus is to help people experiencing mental health illness into affordable housing on Auckland’s North Shore.
Bays Community Housing Trust’s vision is to become a well-respected and valued provider of affordable housing, support tenants into home ownership, and expand to help more people experiencing economic and social hardship.
Get in touch
021 196 3978
CNSST Foundation (CNSST), formerly known as Chinese New Settlers Services Trust, a registered charitable trust since 1998, offers culturally and linguistically appropriate services to both Asian new settlers and the wider community.
CNSST Work Team consists of seven board members, 25 full time and 12 part-time staff, 105 contractors and over 50 volunteers to serve more than 15,000 people annually. In the past 20 years, CNSST has been working closely with other sectors and community groups providing social services, social housing and education.
Get in touch
09 570 1188
De Paul House
De Paul House provides housing and support services for those most underserved in the North Auckland community, focusing on families with dependent children and adults over 65 years. We respect people’s ability to determine their own lives, irrespective of age, ability, race or creed. In addition to social and transitional housing we also offer a community learning centre, an early childhood centre, food, furniture and clothing banks.
Our purpose is to provide, locate and/or support:
Quality temporary accommodation for families in need of transitional housing.
Community support services and facilities for families in unstable housing circumstances.
Adequate, affordable and secure housing to assist families to move from transitional housing to a stable long-term housing environment
Get in touch
09 480 5959
Compass Housing
Services NZ
Compass offers a full range of tenancy and property management services, as well as international advocacy on the universal right to housing. We are a member of the UN Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC) and is a partner in the UN Habitat III New Urban Agenda. We are committed to growing the strength and reach of the community housing sector in NZ through partnerships.
Compass NZ leases 72 properties in South Auckland in Mangere and Papatoetoe and through a partnership with the Ted Manson Foundation is building over 160 new social housing in Glen Eden and Auckland CBD which will be completed in 2019.
Get in touch
0800 124 663
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
Whai Maia
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whai Maia Ltd manages 72 rental homes all in the vicinity of Orakei. We have a mix of 1 to 5 bedroom homes, with some standalone, some two storey joined and some smaller kaumatua units. Being a registered Community Housing Provider all vacant homes that become available (pending future developments) we prioritise as social housing.
Our rental stock is only available to Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whai Maia registered beneficiary and their whānau members. Although we make available homes for social housing, we also house registered whānau members that don’t qualify for an IRRS. They currently make up around 40% of the rental portfolio.
Get in touch
09 336 1670
Since June 2001, Penina Health Trust has been committed to providing a wide range of community support services such as Family Support Services, Adult Community Living Services (ACLS), Youth Community Living Services (YCLS), Residential Rehabilitation-Step Down Home and Alcohol and other Drug Programmes and services.
Penina became the first Pacific registered CHP in 2016 with one property for Social Housing, and is planning to build more in 2018. Penina also provides short-term housing for people with high complex housing needs through a transitional housing scheme with the Ministry of Social Development.
Get in touch
09 269 7989
Tāmaki Housing
Tāmaki Housing provides tenancy management services for social housing tenants in Glen Innes, Panmure and Pt England. We take a personalised approach to tenancy management and focus on providing sustainable tenancies and assisting the community to move along the housing continuum into other forms of affordable rental and affordable houses.
Tāmaki Housing is 100% owned by Tāmaki Regeneration Company (TRC), which is jointly owned by the Government and Auckland Council. As part of the TRC group we work towards the social and economic regeneration of Tāmaki.
Get in touch
0800 521 555
Community of
Refuge Trust
CORT Community Housing provides good quality homes for people who need them, based in thriving, inclusive communities.
CORT specialises in building and managing long-term homes for single people and smaller households who experience significant barriers to getting the housing they need.
As a developer, CORTs focus is to build high quality, medium density homes across the Auckland region.
Get in touch
09 376 3049
Emerge Aotearoa provides a wide range of community-based mental health, addiction, disability support and social housing services nationwide. We believe that everyone is capable of living full and rich lives in their communities of choice. In every aspect of our work we are committed to helping our service users be the best they can be.
Get in touch
09 265 0255
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a global charity offering housing solutions to low income families in 70 countries. It brings people together to build homes, community and hope. Habitat’s vision is “A world where everyone has a decent place to live.”
In Auckland, Habitat builds new houses, carries out essential repairs on older houses and provides Financial Literacy and other life-skills training. It does this by working with a wide range of community groups, schools, community organisations, corporate entities and private individuals.
Get in touch
0800 422 4828 (0800 Habitat)
Airedale Property Trust
Lifewise Trust and Airedale Property Trust are charitable organisations operating under the auspices of the Methodist Church.
Lifewise Trust is about supporting people and families to improve their future, not just meeting immediate needs. Airedale Property Trust provides property development, property management and tenancy expertise for all Methodist Church properties in Auckland.
Get in touch
09 302 5390
lifewise@lifewise.org.nz | property@mmn.org.nz
lifewise.org.nz | apt.org.nz
LinkPeople (previously Keys Social Housing and Linkage) believes that everyone has the potential to live well and the right to a healthy home. LinkPeople links individuals and families to healthy and affordable housing and the right supports to help them sustain their housing.
LinkPeople is a registered community housing provider offering a range of housing and service navigation services to meet people’s needs – including supporting people experiencing mental health or addiction issues.
Get in touch
0800 932 432
Monte Cecilia
Housing Trust
Monte Cecilia Housing Trust has a vision of ‘Housing Justice for All’, meaning helping to create an Aotearoa New Zealand in which everyone has access to adequate, affordable, and secure housing as a human right, regardless of race, religion, income, or social status. The Trust pursues this vision by providing quality advocacy, housing, and support services to empower families to achieve their own housing solutions. This includes providing individual advocacy, wrap-around services, as well as both transitional and social housing across South and West Auckland.
Get in touch
0800 624848
Accessible Properties is part of the IHC group of charities and a Registered Community Housing Provider, providing more than 2,700 properties throughout New Zealand. With more than 65 years’ community housing experience, we are a trusted provider of quality homes and property services for people with disabilities, and those with housing needs that are not being met by the market.
Accessible Properties is committed to achieving the best outcomes for people living in our homes by providing a place to belong and thrive.
Get in touch
0800 862 769
Auckland Community
Housing Trust
Auckland Community Housing Trust primarily assists low income families and people with mental health needs into housing that is affordable and meets their requirements.
Auckland Community Housing Trust provides sustainable rental choices, as well as flexible and responsive maintenance solutions
for their tenants.
Get in touch
09 366 0203
Auckland City
Mission Housing Ltd
The Auckland City Mission Housing Ltd (ACMHL) is a not for profit limited liability company that is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Auckland City Mission (ACM). ACM is a Charitable Trust first established in 1920 (Registration Number CC22938) having its primary business to help people in desperate need by providing excellent integrated services and effective advocacy.
ACMHL was established in 2017 to provide the tenancy and property management services for the 80 social housing apartments that will form part of a major redevelopment of the ACM’s current property in Hobson Street, Central Auckland. ACMHL was granted charitable status on the 23 February 2018 (Registration number CC55205).
Get in touch
09 303 9200
Haumaru Housing
Haumaru Housing is a registered Community Housing Provider which provides holistic tenancy and asset management services for Auckland Council’s portfolio of 1,452 rental units for older people. Established in late 2016, we are a limited partnership between New Zealand charitable trust, The Selwyn Foundation, and Auckland Council.
We aim to provide outstanding social housing for older Aucklanders, with customer service excellence a priority. Our focus is on providing safe, secure and affordable long-term tenancies for senior citizens and creating positive and inclusive communities that support people to live well in the comfort and security of their home.
As an independent limited partnership, Haumaru Housing invests in communities, in terms of people and properties, retaining all surpluses to benefit older adults in local neighbourhoods. Our service is as much about enhancing people’s wellbeing, as it is about providing housing. We wish to create age-friendly and caring communities, where social isolation and loneliness are eliminated, and to develop our navigator role to help tenants access the social, health, advocacy and budgetary advice services they need to improve their wellbeing.
Get in touch
0800 430 101
Homes of Choice
In a world where disabled people have limited housing options, Homes of Choice is determined to make a difference.
Every day, we walk alongside our customers and partners to create welcoming home environments, tailored to people’s needs.
Access to tailored, safe and affordable living options is a key enabler for disabled people to live their lives of choice.
We achieve this through new builds, renovations, rentals and partnerships, and by being open to people’s choices.
We believe Universal Design standards are fundamental to good design, and help create environments that are not only accessible, durable and purpose-built, but also attractive and a pleasure to live in.
Our Vision is ‘Every disabled person deserves a safe, affordable home that’s tailored to their needs.’
Our Purpose is ‘To empower new possibilities by providing welcoming homes, tailored to people’s needs.’
Our Promise is ‘New possibilities for great lives.’
Homes of Choice is supported by its philanthropic parent Spectrum Foundation and sister organisation, disability support provider Spectrum Care.
Get in touch
09 634 9766
Housing Foundation
The Housing Foundation operates as a social enterprise providing affordable housing for low income households in New Zealand. The Housing Foundation provides programmes that enable people, over time, to move in to sustainable and affordable independent housing and home ownership.
Since 2007 the Housing Foundation has completed over 750 homes with another 600 homes programmed to be completed over the next few years in a number of developments across Auckland and Christchurch.
The Housing Foundation specialises in assisting low income working families to lift themselves out of the rental poverty trap on pathways towards independence. This transition is supported through two key products namely: Homesaver (Rent to Buy) and Shared Ownership.
Get in touch
0800 4 HOUSING (446 874)
The Salvation Army
Social Housing
The Salvation Army provides support to over 120,000 individuals and their families throughout New Zealand. Housing is offered in a number of programmes including community ministry outreaches, prison reintegration, and drug and alcohol programmes, as well as via the newly formed Social Housing programme which provides emergency housing and social housing units throughout New Zealand.
Get in touch
Whangarei Accessible Housing Trust
Residential housing is the primary objective of the Whangarei Accessible Housing Trust and the principal service offered. We provide fully accessible homes at affordable rents. When we are not able to offer one of the Trust’s homes, we work with prospective tenants to link them with other alternative accessible housing, via other housing providers.
Get in touch
09 955 1829
Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga
Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga operates across Auckland, offering both transitional and long term supportive housing as well as an integrated range of wrap-around support services such as Food Support, Money Mentoring, Employment and Education Training, Cultural Support, Youth Support and Counselling to support the wellbeing of people in our community. Additionally, Home Healthcare support is offered in Auckland and many North Island regions.
Get in touch
09 818 0706
ACHPN Profile
Network members are registered Class 1 - Social Landlord: CHP with the Community Housing Regulatory Authority